Parents wishing to be in the show – Return this form to me asap


  1. Groups & Costumes – click here
  2. Join our remind app – Text @8f97b4c to this number 81010
  3. Rehearsals by group
  4. Rehearsals Full month
  5. Photo Day will be April 5th
  6. Music available – Feb 1st for Solo and Features
  7. Parent Meeting – Thu March 13th 6:30pm Senior Center
  8. Volunteer jobs – sign up here
  9. Hair & make up for photo day and show
  10. Mini April Freestyle contract
  11. Raffle basket donations – click here
  12. AD Form
  13. Sponsorship Form
  14. Security
  15. General Info Letter
  16. Benefit-Show-Absence letter for School
  17. All-Event-Pass-flyer
  18. Donation-Letter
  19. Afterglow Party RSVP
  20. Ticket prices
  21. Ticket sales direction
  22. Safe sport Training for locker room parents click here
  23. Raffle basket donations $10 = 1 service hour
  24. Afterglow party donations $10 = 1 service hour click here
  25. Ice Show buddy –
  26. Photo Day April 5th Schedule
  27. Show order – 1st half, 2nd half

Wednesday April 23rd is Run Through Day in Wells rink
4:30pm is First half run through
5:30pm is Second half run through
*Please arrive ready with skates and guards on at 4:00pm for first half – You may have to pick your child up early from school this day.
*Please arrive ready with skates and guards on at 5:00pm for second half
Parents can drop off and pick up unless you are volunteering in the practice area.

Thursday April 24th is Full Dress Rehearsal Day starting at 4:00pm in Gardens rink
This is the only opportunity the cast has to watch all of the group numbers and solo skaters. 
Please arrive ready in one of your costume with robe over and your skate bag at 4:00pm
No make up is necessary
There will not be enough locker rooms to change, so pick the costume you would like to try out.
Hats must be double criss-crossed and bobby pinned in several places to stay on your head!
Skaters will head to the stands with their blankets and dry snacks and water
You may have to pick your child up early from school this day also.
Dress rehearsals will run until at least 7pm
Parents can drop off and pick up unless you are volunteering to help set up the arena. There are lots of jobs to help with on this day.
everyone is welcome to come help.

Friday April 25th – Kiwanis Show and opening night!
Please arrive at 10:00am and check in in the lobby, then report to your locker room.
Pick up will be at 1pm
Be back at 6:30pm to check in
Pick up 9:30pm

Saturday 26th – 2 Show Day
Please arrive at 12:00pm and check in in the lobby, then report to your locker room.
Pick up will be at 3pm
Be back at 6:30pm to check in
Pick up 9:30pm

Sunday 27th – Please arrive  at 1:00pm and check in in the lobby, then report to your locker room. Afterglow Party will be at 4:00pm